Artist: Viza Arlington
Title: OX
woodbock print two blocks
image size:9X14
paper size: 10X15
State Proof
I think that i like the one with the gray watercolor in the curls better. i also plan on using 18 or 22 karat gold leaf instead of this composition stuff its a little too yellow.
He is lovely and magnificent. How did you do the gold?
Stunning, Liza... It's a beautiful design, so simple and elegant!
So very lovely - I like the one without the watercolor in the curls. You are very ambitious to leaf that many prints!
d. moll, I.ac.
I cut the outline of the circle into the block for a guide. When the print is dry I apply gold leaf sizing in the circle with a brush, wait a bit, then lay the gold leaf down it sticks to the glue and i brush away any extra. it is easy but time consuming.
I have taken a vote and along with your vote without watercolor wins in a landslide. this is good because it would have been more work anyway.
Thanks for the kind words.
Absolutely stunning prints! I've only printed with gold once and loved it.
Wow, that is a powerful print!! Either way!!!!
Thanks for the gold tutorial :~) That's clever to imprint the shape.
Good luck with the leafing. I find it very hard to work with.
Beautiful print!
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