Artist: Viza Arlington
Title: Wolfram
Moku-Hanga (Japanese method woodcut)
sumi ink and red watercolor for my chop mark on Rives BFK paper
image size:6X6
paper size 7X7
This print was created for the Periodic Table Printmaking Project
Tungsten (Swedish tung sten meaning "heavy stone"), even though the current name for the element in Swedish is wolfram (sometimes spelled in Swedish as volfram), from the denomination volf rahm by Wallerius in 1747, translated from the description by Agricola in 1546 as Lupi spuma, meaning "wolf's froth" after the way tin is eaten up like a wolf after sheep in the process of its extraction.
From Wikipedia
That red mark is a great example of an early chop mark.
To read more on that:
click here.
Beautiful, Viza. I love this. So strong and bold.
Wonderful addition to the project! Great interpretation of the element name. Thanks again!
Great work! So strong!
This is so cool.
I like your take on the "heavy" theme. Very striking image. I also enjoyed your reasoning behind the project.
Beautiful, & I never knew that about tungsten, though my Dad's a chemist & I'm an etymology nut! Thanks!
Brilliant--l love the bold shape and the beauty of the cut lines.
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