I have never really liked watercolor or painting for that matter. I love what other people can do with watercolor but for me its hard to work with, finicky and has too many of its own opinions on the way things should be, i like a little more control so i have changed gears. I mean the wood already has its input then you add watercolor to the mix and i hardly have any say at all. Then it just popped into my head ^%&$#** WATER SOLUBLE CRAYONS **(*&&*! I used to make silkscreen monotypes with them. They are heavily pigmented, water soluble, lightfast and will sit on top of the wood instead of soaking into it and its more like drawing than painting. Neocolor II Aquarelle Artists' Crayons are ones i have. In addition to changing to the crayons i also changed the way i print the block. Instead of spritzing the block now i tape the paper into place on the block with gummed paper then fold it back and moisten the paper with a sponge flip back onto the block and print with a baren. I get good coverage the first time so i don't have registration/paper stretching/buckling problems anymore. I might have gone too far with "sprinkles" one the ghost print but it was fun and now i will keep all the sharpening shavings in containers for possible future use.
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