Artist: Viza Arlington
white line woodblock print on Rives BFK
image size: 5X7 inches
paper size 6.5x8 inches
I used linoleum for this print. watercolor definitely would work on linoleum (i tried that first just to see) but the water soluble crayons worked great!
I used water soluble crayons (they are very easy to blend with your finger tips) then spray misted the block and paper and printed using a my small etching press. I like the press because it gives a nice even print and the white lines are nicely embossed.
Is this a bleed print? I'd like to the edges too if it's not. This is one of the flowers I'd like to tackle eventually but could never decide what to do. I like the colors.
Really lovely, and such delicate shading. How many impressions did you make?
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